
Monday, January 27, 2025

Spider & Fly Nebula IC417 & NGC 1931)

 Well these two kind of look like their title - a spider and closing in a fly... This photo is a culmination of 242 sub exposures of which 186 panned out for 77% which is not bad seeing conditions (60 Flats and 60 Darks make up the rest of the stack you see below.  Not my favorite but this is my first attempt on this nebula pair. The magnitude of the two are both about 10 (10 and higher numbers are actually dimmer and smaller and negative numbers are brighter).

The spider is 2,707.5 lights years from my telescope, while the fly is actually 8,155 light years from earth so it is only perspective that appear close to each other and that spider has quite a trip in front of it to catch that fly...

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