
Saturday, March 18, 2023

2022 Starr Ridge PWS Weather Summary


We had a 19 day streak out of the 56 total days of 100° F 
Also on one day we had temps vary by 47°F and one day where the temps only varied 4° F

The Dew Point makes the monsoon so easy to identify - blue bands

If it is going to rain it will probably be after 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock seem like a good bet.

A nice breeze in the afternoon is common as well as at least one gust in the 30's MPH a month

This graph tells what wind direction is favored by month

This graph tells us which wind direction is promenate for any wind speed

This graph tells us which direction the wind came throughout the year

Here we can see as an example on any given day the wind travelled from 114.2 miles away
Also on any given day only 1.96% of the time with there be no wind at all

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Snow Kissed Desert & Cacti

 I am totally aware this is too many photos, but I cannot help myself when it comes to snow in the desert. Trust me there were many more (504 total). So just scan and pick your favorites.

I have shown you this crested saguaro before but fringed with snow!?!

Saguaros protecting themselves from freezing keeping the snow on the outer edge of the rib.

The saguaros lost their snow in clumps and for some reason the snow only stuck to one side

Snow Touched Mule Deer in the Desert

 It was awesome finding this herd of mule deer on my desert snow hike today. They were certainly not camera shy.

This little guy was enjoying the winter wonderland with the elders


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

New to Me Crested Saguaro

While on my latest 10.4 mile hike, I found a new to me Lower branch Crested Saguaro. Not much of a crest but the split on the right most branch was interesting. BTW yes my body told me 10.4 miles is a little bit much at my age...