
Thursday, June 6, 2024

NGC 4565 (IC3543) Edge On Needle Galaxy

NGC 4565 is known as the Needle Galaxy or IC 3543.  It is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. It lies close to the North Galactic Pole and has a visual magnitude of approximately 10. To be seen without optical add magnitude 6 would be necessary. It is known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile. NGC 4565 has at least two satellite galaxies, one of which is interacting with it. Can both satellite galaxies, they are in my picture. It has a population of roughly 240 globular clusters, more than the Milky Way.


  1. Holy moly! That is mind-bogglingly clear. The fact we can see the entire galaxy never ceases to amaze me. The sheer size of that galaxy is somewhat overwhelming, when you think about it.

  2. Great pic Rand! Very cool that you were able to get both galaxies in the same frame, and the clarity is amazing.

  3. The second sister galaxy is there too! Underneath the Needle Galaxy on the lefthand side is small smudge in-line with two stars, (NGC4564-C, the one above is NGC4565-B).
