
Thursday, January 26, 2023

A Night Under the Stars, Nebulas, and a Comet...

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
C=Non-Periodic Comet (once and done never to come back), 2022=Discovery Year, E=Half-Month Letter (each month of the year is divided in half and assigned a letter, so E is the first half of March), 3=3rd comet discovered in first half of March, 2022, (ZTF)=the name of the discoverer or the name of the observatory program that happened on the comet.

As far as comets go this is a pretty boring one and the green coma is is the only thing that is making it look special...

New General Catalog 2264 (NGC 2264) The Christmas Tree Nebula. Yes this is a dim one as the light took 2,350 years to reach (tired after the long trip).

Dreyer's Nebula the light of this nebula took 1,631 years to reach us.

Messier 1 (M 1) or commonly know as the Crab Neula Light from this little gem took 5.5 years to reach us. This nebula is the leftover debris of an exploding star.