The Fish Head Nebula is also known as the Northern Bear Nebula, is a star nursery where stars are "born". I really like it because it has some very dark thick dust lanes running throughout the nebula. The light emitted from the nebula takes 6,000 years to reach us - a simpler way of saying the distance to IC 1795 is 6K LY's. The young stars in this system are emitting high amounts of Ultraviolet (UV) light which causes the nebula to glow brightly (kind of like when we sunburn 😁). So I was "fishing" for a target to photograph (pun intended) a couple of nights ago and came across this fish. I liked it so much I stayed with it all night taking 854 sub photos to stack. 697 subs survived the "blurry" test and were ultimately stacked with 60 flats and 60 darks for noise reduction. 81% survival rate tells me the "seeing" (atmospheric steadiness) was pretty good over 7 hours of exposure time. Enjoy this beautiful creation!