
Sunday, December 11, 2022

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Jupiter Goodbye - Mars Hello

 Jupiter is on it's way getting further away from Earth every day the light in this photo took 38 minutes to reach my camera! You can see that sun is lighting the planet from the left of the photo in fact 10° off angle creating a fuzzier right side of the planet in the picture. Satellites in this photo include (L to R) Io, Europa, and Ganymede.

Mars on the other hand is getting closer until tonight when it will start creeping away from us. The light from Mars in comparison only took 4.5 minutes to reach my camera. The tiny little bit of white on the top of the planet is the Mars Polar Ice Cap. Mars, Earth and the Sun will form a straight line (opposition) on December 8, 2022. However, the showstopper will be on December 7th when the nearly full moon will pass in front of Mars from our viewpoint (occultation).